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Primary School

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Primary School

PSHE including Relationships Education

Here is where information about our PSHE curriculum is detailed.  

Please also see the dedicated Relationships & Health Education page listed in the Parents Section.

Statutory guidance for schools to deliver RSE came into effect in September 2020.


What are your rights?


  • Parents will not be able to withdraw their children from any aspect of Relationships Education or Health Education (which includes learning about the changing adolescent body and puberty) which are part of the statutory curriculum.


  • Parents will be able to withdraw their children from any aspects of Sex Education other than those which are part of the science curriculum. (Note that sex education will not be statutory in primary schools, however the new statutory guidance makes clear that schools should still provide a programme of age-appropriate sex education)


Samples of the materials used by the class teacher including teacher plans, presentations and children’s worksheets, are now available for you to access on the school website. Please note that as the content of these sessions is part of the statutory curriculum, you will not be able to withdraw your child from these sessions.

Year 4 Puberty & Hygiene: Sample Lessons for Parents

Please note - Year 4 lessons are part of the statutory  curriculum and do not fall under the content from which parents are able to withdraw.

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