Child Protection
All schools are required to ensure they adhere to statutory safeguarding procedures in order to keep children safe in and out of school and to promote their welfare.
Where it is believed that a child is suffering from, or is at risk of significant harm, our school will refer all cases of suspected abuse to Children's Social Care.
In our school, the following people are responsible for ensuring that statutory safeguarding procedures are followed, in order to keep children safe:
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Miss C Taylor (Headteacher)
Back-Up Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr J Thackway (Deputy Headteacher)
Also, the following staff members are trained by the Local Authority to support the DSL:
Mrs R Harmer, Inclusion Manager
Mrs T Pitchford, School Business Manager
Mrs L Sutton, Family Support Worker
The following policies are key documents in informing our practice as a school and details what actions school should take when a child has suffered or is likely to suffer harm, including our most recent school Safeguarding Policy.
These key policies are freely available from the DfE website and are also listed below.
Additional guidance is also listed.
Children missing from education (CME):
A child going missing from education is a potential indicator of abuse or neglect.
The Local Authority's procedures for CME are currently being updated in line with national guidance. Contact Lancashire CME for further advice on
(Correct at Feb 2022)