Family Support
Mrs Sutton is our Family Support Worker at school.
She is available to support pupils and their families with any concerns or worries that mght arise.
Some of the things she can help with are:
- issues related to attendance and punctuality
- concerns or worries about peer relationships
- offering support to parents
- accessing support from a range of agencies, including health, behaviour and parenting support
Mrs Sutton also works with children in school, either on a one-to-one basis or through small groupwork.
Please contact Mrs Sutton through the School Office.
Winter Coat Drive
If you have any good quality winter coats, hats, gloves or scarves that you would be willing to donate, a donation box will be outside of the hall for the first two week of second half of Autumn Term. If you would like to donate at any other time in the year, the office would gladly recieve any donations.