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Primary School

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Primary School

Maple Class (Year 1)

Welcome to Maple Class:

2023 -2024

Year 1

Mrs Marquis-Box         Miss Clarke

Miss Cooper

Here you will find the Long-Term Plan for Year 1 for 2023-24. 

This gives a broad overview of the themes and topics covered in year and relate back to the National Curriculum.

For more details about each subject being taught -  click on the Curriculum page within the Parents Section.

Transition video 2024

Still image for this video

Part 2

Still image for this video

Reading in Maple Class 


In Maple Class children are expected to read a minimum of three times a week. Please make sure yellow reading diaries are signed. Children do not have to read the whole book each time - a few pages each time will really help them in class. Books will be changed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 


Discussion points/questions you could ask

- How is the character feeling?

- What happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story?

- What was your favourite part of the story?

 - What word means the same as..?

 - Can you tell me one fact about...?

Class Information


PE Days - Tuesday and Thursday 


Children must wear P.E kit on these days. Our school PE kit is: 


  • Red t-shirt 
  • Black shorts
  • Black pumps/ or trainers
  • Children may bring black tracksuit bottoms for outdoor sports in the winter.


From ASDA you can get 2 t-shirts, 2 pairs of shorts and pumps for under £9. 

Children should not be wearing branded clothing. 

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