Maple Class (Year 1)
Welcome to Maple Class:
2024 -2025
Year 1
Mrs Marquis-Box Mrs England
Miss Cooper
Here you will find the Long-Term Plan for Year 1 for 2024-25
This gives a broad overview of the themes and topics covered in year and relates back to the National Curriculum.
For more details about each subject being taught - click on the Curriculum page within the Parents Section.
Joys of Autumn
Transition video 2024
Part 2
Reading in Maple Class
In Maple Class children are expected to read a minimum of three times a week. Please make sure yellow reading diaries are signed. Children do not have to read the whole book each time - a few pages each time will really help them in class. Books will be changed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Discussion points/questions you could ask
- How is the character feeling?
- What happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story?
- What was your favourite part of the story?
- What word means the same as..?
- Can you tell me one fact about...?
Class Information
*NEW* PE Procedures
Please bring PE kits to school at the beginning of each term. Children will get changed into PE kits during the school day. This is now recommended practice from the national PE Association. Our school PE kit is:
- Red t-shirt
- Black shorts
- Black pumps/ or trainers (No logos or branding)
- Children may bring black tracksuit bottoms for outdoor sports in the winter.
Uniform does not need to be expensive - for example, from ASDA you can get 2 t-shirts, 2 pairs of shorts and pumps for under £10.
Children should not be wearing branded clothing. The only item of clothing with a logo is our school sweatshirt, which is available from Mary Frances in Longridge - please see the Office for more details.
Please also ensure that children with pierced ears can either remove earrings themselves or cover with plasters before the start of the school day.
Trips, events and visitors
In History we have been learning about what it is like to be children today and what it was like to be children in the past. We followed a recipe from Mrs Marquis-Box's Grandma to make fruit scones. They warmed us up on a cold day and we had them with butter and jam!