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Primary School

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Primary School

PE and School Sport

Please also visit our dedicated PE subject page within the Curriculum section of our website to view our scheme of work and curriculum statement of intent, implementation and impact.



Our PE & Sports Staff

Mrs Harmer is our PE Subject Leader and also has experience as a Lead Teacher for the Local Authority. She is responsible for ensuring that curriculum PE is delivered to a high standard.

She is supported by Miss Bayley who helps to coordinate/oversee extra curricular sport and competitions, after-school clubs, playleaders and lunchtime sports provision.


Mrs Harmer also supports other staff to deliver a broad range of sports and outdoor activities throughout the school.

Each year we are provided with an amount of money called PE & Sports premium from the DfE to support physical education and school sport. See the document below for our strategy and impact.

PE Kit


From September 2024, pupils should no longer attend school in PE kit on PE days.  Instead, please bring a labelled PE bag with PE kit at the beginning of every half term - children will change in school time.  The PE Association have recommended this as good practice for developing independence and self-care.


For every PE lesson your child needs correct PE kit. 


A red t-shirt, black shorts and black pumps/ or trainers are essential. Children may bring black tracksuit bottoms for outdoor sports in the winter.


For matches and team events, we will provide the children with a kit, but not footwear.

PE Kit




YEAR R  ELMWednesday/ Friday
YEAR 1 MAPLEMonday/ Thursday
YEAR 3 ROWANTuesday/ Wednesday
YEAR 5 WILLOWTuesday/ Wednesday
YEAR 6  OAKMonday/ Thursday


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