PREVENT for Schools
Primary Schools and Prevent 4 Schools
At Grange Primary School, we believe that children should be given the opportunity to explore the issues of diversity and understand Britain as a multi-cultural society.
Providing a safe learning environment in which children can raise controversial questions and concerns without fear of reprimand or ridicule and explore boundaries of what is acceptable will engender an open attitude to multi cultural and race issues.
By building resilience and self esteem, children are encouraged to stand firm and be positive about others and not be influenced by negative peer pressure they may encounter. Through education, we can enable children to think for themselves by providing valuable opportunities for discussing, debating, researching and questioning, set within the context of learning based on sound knowledge and understanding.
We aim to explore issues of diversity and multi-culturalism through our PSHE curriculum, drawing on resources from the PSHE organisation and Prevent 4 Schools, which are built into our curriculum and studied throughout the year, alongside our developing work as a Rights Respecting School
Training for Staff
Staff have an obligation under the PREVENT Duty to safeguard children in our care. Regular training & updates are provided - either by Blackburn & Darwen PREVENT Team and/or using recognised online learning modules.