RRSA Committees
The Rights Knights:
During our committee meeting, we created new discussion and challenge cards for Rights Respecting Schools which will now feature in our school newsletters. Take a look at our first discussion challenge below:
The Community Committee:
Every class in school designed a set of Christmas cards for adults in local care homes. In December, members of the committee visited the care homes to deliver the cards.
The Rights Knights:
We set a challenge for the whole school to design a new mascot for Rights Respecting Schools in our school. The winning mascot was chosen by our committee. Meet Ronnie the Rights Respecting Monster drawn by a pupil in Year 5!
The Eco Committee:
The Eco committee are committed to using plants to create a calm and relaxing environment in school. We nurtured a spider plant which produced spiderlings and then took cuttings and planted them. We gifted a plant to every class in school.
The Eco Committee:
We met as a committee to create our Plastic Free Schools action plan.
The Eco Committee:
We delivered an assembly to the whole school where we shared our commitment to the Plastic Free Schools initiative and began raising awareness of plastic pollution.
The Eco Committee:
We have started working towards achieving the Plastic Free Schools award. Keep your eyes peeled for more information!