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Primary School

Water Safety

Drowning Prevention - stay safe near water from Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service


When the warm weather hits, please don’t be tempted to cool off in open water -

  • The water is colder than it looks, even on a warm evening
  • This can lead to cold water shock
  • The current is stronger than it looks
  • There are hidden dangers beneath the surface
  • It is likely to be unsupervised


If you see someone in trouble in the water:

  • call 999;
  • encourage them not to panic;
  • and, if they can’t stand, float on their back in a starfish shape.


Tuesday July 25 is World Drowning Prevention Day. See World Drowning Prevention Day - 25 July ( for information about the day. To help raise awareness, landmarks across the whole of Lancashire are being lit blue on the Tuesday evening. We would love to see your photos of them if you spot any (only the buildings though please – try not to include people). You can send them to -






Take care


Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service

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