Chestnut Class (Year 2)
Welcome to Chestnut Class
2024 - 2025
Year 2
Miss Sanderson Miss Bayley
Transition Video - Welcome to Year 2!
Here you will find the Long-Term Plan for Year 2 for 2023-24.
This gives a broad overview of the themes and topics covered in year and relate back to the National Curriculum.
For more details about each subject being taught - click on the Curriculum page within the Parents Section.
Grange PE Kit
*NEW* PE Procedures
Please bring PE kits to school at the beginning of each term. Children will get changed into PE kits during the school day. This is now recommended practice from the national PE Association. Our school PE kit is:
- Red t-shirt
- Black shorts
- Black pumps/ or trainers (No logos or branding)
- Children may bring black tracksuit bottoms for outdoor sports in the winter.
Uniform does not need to be expensive - for example, from ASDA you can get 2 t-shirts, 2 pairs of shorts and pumps for under £10.
Children should not be wearing branded clothing. The only item of clothing with a logo is our school sweatshirt, which is available from Mary Frances in Longridge - please see the Office for more details.
Please also ensure that children with pierced ears can either remove earrings themselves or cover with plasters before the start of the school day.
Home Reading
Don't forget to read regularly at home and write your comments in your child's new Home Reading Diary. Books will be changed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Spellings will be handed out every Friday. The spelling test will take place the following Friday so the children have a full week to learn them.
In Maths, we will develop our understanding of place value and number. The children are currently learning their 2x, 5x and 10x tables so any extra practice at home would be helpful.
Trips, Visitors and Events
See below for some of last year's trips!
Here are pictures from:
- Our visit from the Lancashire Heritage Team. We had a workshop about 'The Plague' and 'The Great Fire of London'.
- KS1 Mini skills competition
- Our trip to Blackburn Museum for an 'Inventors & Inventions' workshop
- Our trip to Blackpool Zoo
- KS1 Football competition
- Victorian Workshop
Our 'Stone Age' Visitor
Christmas Nativity - A Bundle Of Joy
We made our own model of The Great Fire of London!
We invited other classes to come and see our model. We also asked our parents to come and look too!
World Book Day - March 2024
Our class read about the life of David Bowie.
Poetry Performance - The Cave
Here is our performance of 'The Cave' by Tony Mitton.
We used a text map to support us with learning each part.
We hope you enjoy our performance.
Looking After Our World - Litter Picking
Here we are litter picking in our local area.