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Primary School

Football League

Football League


In our league matches we wanted to make sure everyone in our class got a change. In both sets of games we took half the team who were experienced playing football and half of the team who had never played before. We were so happy that we won every game. We played Ashton, Eldon, Roebuck, Lea CP and St Michaels.


We gave every team three cheers at the end of the game because we weren’t allowed to shake hands. All of our team were really proud of winning.


Teamlist: Alfie P, Luke R, Emily A L, Steven W, Warren R, Edeson O A (C), Kessie O A, Bailey J, Riley F, Ivan G, Ali D, Finnely B (C), Nice O, Ahmad S, Mateusz M, Milan V, Denley E, Francessca

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