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Primary School

Reading Reward Scheme starts today!

Reading Rewards at Grange


This half term we are very excited to announce our new reading reward scheme in school. Reading is a crucial part of your child’s learning and there are lots of opportunities for your child to read in school. However, we need children to be reading at home every day as this will help your child progress in all areas of their learning.

Your child will be bringing home a bookmark; every time your child reads at home and it is recorded in their yellow reading diary or on Showbie they will get a sticker from an adult in their class. Your child’s stickers will earn them a prize and a certificate. There will be a Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum award for your child to earn depending on how many times they read at home.

We look forward to working with you with this and hope your child is eager to earn their awards but more importantly we hope your child falls in love with reading.

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