Star of The Week & Players' Player
Due to Covid, we are unable to hold our usual Friday Celebration Assemblies. However, we still intend to celebrate our Stars and Players' Players. We now give each child a badge to keep, rather than a blue sweatshirt, during this period of time.
We won't contact parents by Groupcall because of the lack of assemblies, but we will post the information on our website and FaceBook page, in line with our current photo consents. (If you wish to change your photo consent, please let the School Office know. We won't post photos this week to give parents time to let us know of any changes)
Our Stars and Players' Players for last week were:
Year 6 - David & Evie
Year 5 - Craig & Mateuz
Year 4 - Kessy & Mason
Year 3 - Eden & Evie
Year 2 - Raya & Logan
Year 1 - Tilly & Emilia