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Primary School

Stars and Players' Players - week ending 4 Dec 2020:

Stars and Players' Players - week ending 4 Dec 2020:

Thank you for all the lovely photos sent in of children in our ‘Snuggle Up With A Good Book’ event this week – we have loved seeing you all!

This week, we are distributing Fareshare food bags to anyone who needs – so if you know someone, collect a bag and take it to them.

Also, we are now collecting Christmas Cards – UNTIL 11 DECEMBER – then we will quarantine them and distribute them on the last day of term.

Remember next Friday is Christmas Jumper Day – please don’t go to a lot of expense though parents– this is an expensive time of year anyway! 😊

This week’s Stars and Players’ Players are:

Year 6: Annabelle & Olivia

Year 5: Melody & Florri

Year 4: Lilly & Harley

Year 3: Erin & Ruby

Year 2: Robert

Year 1: Emma & Paige

Reception: Harry

Well done to Amani & Musa in Year 2 for excellent work on Reading Egg.

Congratulations everyone – you all have a badge to keep and wear as recognition of their award. 


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